"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
SHM - Meet our Pastor,
Dr. Aaron Dawson & Family
From Left to right: Isaac, William, Matthew, Aaron, Kori, and Micah.
The Dawson Family History
In the summer of 2001, God laid a burden upon the heart of Dr. Aaron Dawson to begin an equipping ministry to meet the “greatest need” of the church. It was from that point on that Aaron began to search for what that need was. A period of nearly six years passed before Aaron realized that one of his own shortcomings was the answer–personal evangelism. In 2006, during a conversation with his brother-in-law Jeremy Cox, Aaron realized that God was bringing them together to work as a team. As time has passed the talents and abilities of each have been challenged, stretched, and enhanced in pursuit of God’s will for 29:11 Ministries.
Aaron Dawson is the son of Steve and Sandy Dawson. He was raised in the ministry as his parents served in their church and Christian school. He graduated from Queenstown Christian Academy in 1998. Aaron was then off to the Ministry Training Institute to complete two years of his bachelor’s degree. He finished it through Andersonville Theological Seminary. He served as pastor at Ebenezer Free Will Baptist Church in Falkville, Alabama. Aaron fulfills the roles of lead speaker, apologetics coordinator, and writer.
Aaron Dawson is the Pastor of Souls Harbor Free Will Baptist Church in Vinemont, Alabama. He began his career with the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office in 2012 as a night shift Line Officer. Since then, he has served as a Line Officer, Dispatcher, Corporal, Sergeant, and since April of 2017-2023, as the Warden. Since 2014, Aaron has been a founding member of the Alabama Jail Training Academy. Before beginning his career in Corrections, Aaron served in the educational field as a Teacher, Coach, and Principal. He also has been pastoring since 2008. Aaron has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in Counseling, and a Ph.D in Communication and Leadership. He is married to his wife of 19 years and they have four sons together. Aaron enjoys firearms, woodworking, farming, writing, music, and book collecting.
2001 - Founder and Current President of 29:11 Ministries.
Former Pastor of Ebeneezer Free Will Baptist Church.
Author of books, articles, tracts, and evangelism helps.
New Pastor of Soul's Harbor Church. (09/25/2022-Present)
Executive Director – Alabama Jail Administrators’ Council
ELITE Session #2
(256) 620-0945 https://jailtraining.org/Founder and current CEO of Shadow Ridge Counseling, Consulting, and Training (SRCCT)
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle
HS Diploma - Queenstown Christian Academy-1998
Associate's Degree - Ministry Training Institute.
Bachelor's Degree - Andersonville Theological Seminary
Masters Degree - Andersonville Theological Seminary
Ph.D Degree - Communication and Leadership - Atlantic Coast Theological Seminary.
Listen and Watch our Pastor's 15-minute powerful sermons >>> Watch Now
29:11 MINISTRIES is an integral and inseparable ministry of SOUL'S HARBOR FWB CHURCH.
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Proud Partner of Shadow Ridge CCT
Address: Soul's Harbor Free Will Baptist Church | 21325 US Hwy 31, Vinemont, AL 35179-5989 | Phone: (256) 734-2882
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21325 US Hwy 31 N
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