Highest PACE Average:
Must have attended V.C.A. for the full year
Must have the highest overall PACE average
Most PACEs:
Must have passed each test
Must have completed the most PACEs
Most 100's:
Perfect/Outstanding Attendance
"A" Honor Roll:
Complete and pass the required number of PACEs for each quarter
Achieve a 94% or higher PACE average for each quarter
Memorize all monthly Scriptures in the prescribed time limits
"B" Honor Roll:
Complete and pass the required number of PACEs for each quarter
Achieve an 88% or higher PACE average for each quarter
Memorize all monthly Scriptures in the prescribed time limits
School Spirit:
Must be at least 13 years of age
Must enjoy school
Must participate in school functions
Must not grumble or complain
Must promote a positive school attitude
Must exemplify the character of a Christian person
Good Citizenship:
Must be at least 13 years of age
Must be courteous, respectful, obedient, dependable, and punctual
Must have received few demerits and detentions
Christian Character:
Must be at least 13 years of age
Must be a saved student
Must be faithful in church attendance
Must be active in Christian service
Must have a good Christian testimony in and out of their church family
Must be a leader in Christian conduct, attitude, conversation, and influence on others
Scripture Memorization:
Memorize all monthly Scriptures by the last day of each month
Recite each Scripture to your Supervisor or another staff member
Golden Lamb:
Must memorize and recite the entire book of John, one chapter at a time
Golden Harp:
Must memorize and recite the entire book of Psalms one chapter at a time
Golden Apple:
Must memorize and recite the entire book of Proverbs one chapter at a time
VCA Awards and their Requirements
29:11 MINISTRIES is an integral and inseparable ministry of SOUL'S HARBOR FWB CHURCH.
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Address: Soul's Harbor Free Will Baptist Church | 21325 US Hwy 31, Vinemont, AL 35179-5989 | Phone: (256) 734-2882
Website Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | VCA Handbook | Statement of Faith | Contact VCA | Sitemap
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About Us:
Statement of Faith
Church Treatise
Student Uniforms
Standard of Conduct
Christian Leadership
Christian Americanism
Awards and their Req.
VCA Daily Schedule
VCA Faculty
Calendar of Events
2024-2025 Forms and Apps.
Admission Requirements
VCA Handbook Online
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Hours of Operation:
Monday - 8am-3pm
Tuesday - 8am-3pm
Wednesday- 8am-3pm
Thursday - 8am-3pm
Friday - 8am-3pm
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
(Worship with us)
Contact VCA:
Vinemont Christian Academy
21325 US Hwy 31 N
Vinemont, AL 35179-5989
Email VCA:
Phone: 256-734-2882
Fax: 256-736-5643
VCA Accreditation
VCA K4-K5 Education
VCA - ACE Curriculum
VCA Honor Roll Req.
VCA Graduate Req.
VCA Piano Lessons
Handbooks: UPDATING!!!
VCA On-Campus Handbook
VCA HomeSchool Handbook
DayCare Handbook
Church Treatise (2023)